from atom import TRUE
from atom import FALSE
from atom import Symbol
from seq import Seq
from fun import Lambda

The original Lisp described by McCarthy in his 1960 paper describes the following function set:

  1. atom
  2. car
  3. cdr
  4. cond
  5. cons
  6. eq
  7. quote

Plus two special forms:

  1. lambda (defined in
  2. label


The Lisp class defines the magnificent seven in terms of the runtime environment built thus far (i.e. dynamic scope, lambda, etc.).

class Lisp:
    SPECIAL = "()"

The magnificent seven are tainted by a pair of useful, but ugly functions, dummy and println purely for practical matters.

    def dummy(self, env, args):
        print("I do nothing, but you gave me: ")
        self.println(env, args)

    def println(self, env, args):
        for a in args:
            result = a.eval(env)
            self.stdout.write( "%s " % str( result))

        self.stdout.write( "\n")
        return TRUE



Did you know that McCarthy discovered conditionals? This is only partially true. That is, Stephen Kleene defined the notion of a primitive recursive function and McCarthy built on that by defining the conditional as a way to simplify the definition of recursive functions. How would you define a recursive function without the use of a conditional in the terminating condition? It turns out that you can define recursive functions this way (see fixed point combinators), but the use of the conditional vastly simplifies the matter.

We take conditionals for granted these days so it's difficult to imagine writing programs that were not able to use them, or used a subset of their functionality.

The cond form is used as follows:

(cond ((atom (quote (a b))) (quote foo)) 
      ((atom (quote a))     (quote bar)) 
      (t (quote baz)))

;=> bar
    def cond(self, env, args):
        for test in args:
            result =

            if result == TRUE:

        return FALSE



Equality is delegated out to the objects being tested, so I will not discuss the mechanics here.
However, examples of usage are as follows:

(eq nil (quote ()))
;=> t

(eq (quote (a b)) (quote (a b)))
;=> t

(eq (quote a) (quote b))
;=> ()
    def eq(self, env, args):
        if len(args) > 2:
            raise ValueError("Wrong number of arguments, expected {0}, got {1}".format(2, len(args)))

        if args[0].eval(env) == args[1].eval(env):
            return TRUE

        return FALSE



The quote builtin does one thing -- it returns exactly what was given to it without evaluation:

(quote a)
;=> a

(quote (car (quote (a b c))))
;=> (car (quote (a b c)))

Of course, you can evaluate the thing that quote returns:

(eval (quote (car (quote (a b c)))) (quote ()))
;=> a
    def quote(self, env, args):
        if(len(args) > 1):
            raise ValueError("Wrong number of arguments, expected {0}, got {1}".format(1, len(args)))

        return args[0]



The original Lisp implementation was written for the IBM 704 by Steve Russell (a genius of the highest order -- also the creator/discoverer of Spacewar! and continuations). The somewhat obtuse name for a function that returns the first element of an s-expression derives from the idiosyncracies of the IBM 704 on which Lisp was first implemented. The car function was thus a shortening of the term "Contents of the Address part of Register number" that in itself has a very interesting explanation. That is, car was used to refer to the first half of the wordsize addressed by the IBM 704. In this particular machine (and many others at that time and since) the wordsize could address more than twice of the actual physical memory. Taking this particular nuance of the IBM 704 into account, programmers were able to efficiently create stacks by using the address of the stack's top in one half-word and the negative of the allocated size in the other (the "Contents of Decrement part of Register number"), like so:

 |   top    |   -size  |                                          
      |           |        size goes toward zero                  
      |           |                  |                            
      |           |                  |                            
      |           |                  v                            
  |   |    |      |                                               
4 |   |    |      |                                               
  |   V    |      |                                               
3 | elem3  |      |                                               
  |        |      |                  ^                            
2 | elem2  |      |                  |                                 
  |        |      |                  |                                 
1 | elem1  |<-----+           stack grows up                          
  |        |
0 | elem0  |

Whenever something was pushed onto the stack the number 1 was added to both half-words. If the decrement part of the word became zero then that signalled a stack-overflow, that was checked on each push or pop instruction. However, the use of the car/cdr half-words was used quite differently (McCarthy 1962). That is, The contents part contained a pointer to the memory location of the actual cons cell (see the documentation for the next function cdr for more information) element, and the decrement part contained a pointer to the next cell:

 +----------+----------+    +----------+----------+
 |   car    |   cdr    |--->|   car    |   cdr    | ...
 +----------+----------+    +----------+----------+

The Lisp garbage collector used this structure to facilitate garbage collection by marking referenced chains of cells as negative (sign bit), thus causing them to be ignored when performing memory reclamation.

The car function works as follows:

(car (quote (a b c)))
;=> a

The car of an empty list is an error (TODO: check if this is the case in McCarthy's Lisp)

    def car(self, env, args):
        if(len(args) > 1):
            raise ValueError("Wrong number of arguments, expected {0}, got {1}".format(1, len(args)))

Of course, I do not use pointer arithmetic to implement cons cells...

        cell = args[0].eval(env)

... instead I define it in terms of a sequence abstraction. This is a side-effect of originally hoping to go further with this implementation (e.g. into linear Lisp), but as of now it's a bit heavy-weight for what is actually needed. But I wouldn't be a programmer if I didn't needlessly abstract.

        if not isinstance(cell, Seq):
            raise ValueError("Function not valid on non-sequence type.")




In the previous function definition (car) I used the term cons-cell to describe the primitive structure underlying a Lisp list. If you allow me, let me spend a few moments describing this elegant structure, and why it's such an important abstract data type (ADT).

Lisp from the beginning was built with the philosophy that lists should be a first-class citizen of the language; not only in the realm of execution, but also generation and manipulation. If you look at my implementation of List in you'll notice that it's pretty standard fare. That is, it, like most lisp implementations is backed by a boring sequential store where one element conceptually points to the next and blah blah blah. Boring. Where the cons-cell shines is that it is a very general purpose ADT that can be used in a number of ways, but primary among them is the ability to represent the list.

Lists in the early Lisp was precisely a chain of cons cells and the operators car and cdr pointed to very specific implementation details that over time became generalized to mean "the first thing" and "the rest of the things" respectively. But the fact remains that the cons cell solves a problem that is often difficult to do properly. That is, how could Lisp represent a container that solved a number of requirements:

  • Represents a list
  • Represents a pair
  • Implementation efficiency
  • Heterogeneous

It would be interesting to learn the precise genesis of the idea behind the cons cell, but I imagine that it must have provoked a eureka moment.

I've already discussed how the IBM 704 hardware was especially ammenable to solving this problem efficiently, but the other points bear further consideration. Lisp popularly stands for "LISt Processing language" but as I explained, the basic unit of data was instead the cons cell structure. The fact of the matter is that the cons cell serves as both the implementation detail for lists and the abstraction of a pair, all named oddly as if the implementation mattered. If Lisp had originally gone whole hog into the abstraction game, then car and cdr would have been first and rest and would have spared the world decades of whining.

Modern Lisps like Common Lisp rarely implement lists as chains of cons cells. Instead, it's preferred to create proper lists with the list or list* functions and access them via first or rest (cons still persists thanks to its more general meaning of "construct") and to only use car and cdr when dealing with cons cells. You can probably tell a lot about the level of knowledge for a Lisp programmer by the way that they construct and access lists. For example, a programmer like myself whose exposure to Common Lisp has been entirely academic, you will probably see a propensity toward the use of car and cdr instead of leveraging the more expressive sequence abstractions.

The cdr function works as follows:

(cdr (quote (a b c)))
;=> (b c)

The cdr of an empty list is an empty list (TODO: check if this is the case in McCarthy's Lisp)

    def cdr(self, env, args):
        if(len(args) > 1):
            raise ValueError("Wrong number of arguments, expected {0}, got {1}".format(1, len(args)))

        cell = args[0].eval(env)

        if not isinstance(cell, Seq):
            raise ValueError("Function not valid on non-sequence type.")

        return cell.cdr()



So if Common Lisp has a more general sequence abstraction, then why would we still want to keep the cons cell? The reason is that the cons cell is more flexible than a sequence and allows for a more intuitive way to build things like trees, pairs, and to represent code structure.

This function simply delegates the matter of consing to the target object.

The cons function works as follows:

(cons (quote a) nil)
;=> (a)

(cons (quote a) (quote (b c)))
;=> (a b c)

(cons (quote a) (quote b))
;=> Error

I've agonized long and hard over wheter or not to implement McCarthy Lisp as the language described in Recursive functions... as the anecdotal version only partially described in the LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual and in most cases the former was my choice. The creation of "dotted pairs" (I believe) was not an aspect of the original description and therefore is not represented in Lithp. Sadly, I think that in some cases these version are mixed because I originally went down the path of creating a version of Litho compatible with linear Lisp and Lisp 1.5, so this is a product of some pollution in the varying ideas.

    def cons(self, env, args):
        if(len(args) > 2):
            raise ValueError("Wrong number of arguments, expected {0}, got {1}".format(2, len(args)))

        first = args[0].eval(env)
        second = args[1].eval(env)

        return second.cons(first)



Checks if a function is an atom; returns truthy if so. One thing to note is that the empty list () is considered an atom because it cannot be deconstructed further.

The atom function works as follows:

(atom (quote a))
;=> t

(atom nil)
;=> t

(atom (quote (a b c)))
;=> ()

Recall that the empty list is falsity.

    def atom(self, env, args):
        if(len(args) > 1):
            raise ValueError("Wrong number of arguments, expected {0}, got {1}".format(1, len(args)))

        first = args[0].eval(env)

        if first == FALSE:
            return TRUE
        elif isinstance(first, Symbol):
            return TRUE

        return FALSE



Defines a named binding in the dynamic environment.

    def label(self, env, args):
        if(len(args) != 2):
            raise ValueError("Wrong number of arguments, expected {0}, got {1}".format(2, len(args)))

Notice that the first argument to label (a symbol) is not evaluated. This is the key difference between a Lisp function and a special form (and macro, but I will not talk about those here). That is, in all cases the arguments to a function are evaluated from left to right before being passed into the function. Conversely, special forms have special semantics for evaluation that cannot be directly emulated or implemented using functions.

        env.set(args[0].data, args[1].eval(env))
        return env.get(args[0].data)